Biden Moves To Fill Key UN Position

Cindy McCain to be named ambassador to UN United Nations World Food Program

by peoplespulpit

Posted 3 years ago

President Joe Biden is rumored to be preparing to name Republican Cindy McCain for U.S. ambassador to the U.N. World Food Program, a mission based in Rome, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter. McCain, 66 and the widow of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain (R), is being prepped to be Biden’s first Republican appointee to a Senate-confirmed position.

McCain follows the tradition (that was broken by the Trump administration) of nominating at least one person from the opposing party to a Cabinet position. Cindy McCain, as chair of the McCain Institute board of trustees has worked on curbing world hunger and human trafficking. She has also worked with the U.N. World Food Program.

Cindy McCain endorsed Biden in the 2020 presidential election after John McCain and Trump had a contentious relationship. Trump repeatedly insulted the senator, at one point questioning his status as a war hero, saying, "I like people who weren't captured."

Biden's win in Arizona was partially credited to Cindy McCain's endorsement, with some referring to it as John McCain's "revenge."

Topic: Politics

Tags: Joe Biden Cindy McCain United Nations

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